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Pandora's Box

Ursula Sabisch, Kaiserin, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the Political stage

Please publicise


Germany, Luebeck, 16/ 20 November 2024

The German-language document you may find here!

Territorial realities and Pandora's box.

Dear Readers, Dear Sirs, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Unfortunately, my person always puts on the shoe in which she does not actually belong, especially when such headlines are published like in the subject line. For this reason, my person will now have to explain to you and everyone else once again what the territorial realities of the world actually look like, even if this means opening Pandora's box and letting all the disaster come out of it!

Then at least the disaster will finally be ‘let out’ and hope, which is known to die last, will at least have retained its justification, as time does not yet seem to have been completely lost.

Dear Mr Putin, dear Mr Selenskyj, dear Mr Trump, you and your ilk are not really in a position to make any reality-based claims or territorial demands here on God's earth, but you and all other representatives of the people of all states who have placed themselves in front of a running camera and a microphone had better come to your senses very quickly and immediately adjust to the reality coming from ‘heaven’!

And if you, as these representatives of the people, have also had one or more operations in which your life was completely dependent on technology and chemistry, then you and everyone else had better be very grateful and happy that there are in fact three people who are allowed to make all territorial claims and all demands worldwide!

So far, you and others have surrounded yourselves with many cowards and half-actors, some of whom you and others will probably belong to yourselves, by dealing with the truth and the higher law in a very shabby way on a daily basis, because the great masses of people obviously cannot handle it properly!

Of course, not only the pre-programmed fate of the aforementioned representatives of each state, especially those who have a thin nervous system and are thus linked to living technology, comes from Pandora's box, but also many other people or the people here on earth are in the digital atomic age and are thus indirectly and sometimes directly bound to the living technology of the neighbouring universe with its artificial stars!

You and all other readers will please set off immediately and at least inform the current representatives of the people mentioned in this matter. President Putin in particular has a surname that will probably have involuntary good connections to the already described ‘Puter’ or technical thing or this dangerous giant thing!

The American president has also visibly lost two-thirds of his nerves, which are forcibly bound to their respective opposite pole, which is a completely natural process, because every human being breaks down nerves through his or her life and his or her nerves or psyche are equally built up to its respective opposite pole in the realm of Creation*, to which Jesus Christ leads directly,* in that the nerves or soul will reach its destination after life according to the assignment!

But now the technical unicum or the giant computer with its offshoots has come between these natural connections of created life and Creation, and this particularly affects those who have made themselves public, especially through the technology of TV!

My person would like to emphasise once again that an Empress with a demonstrably high special status, which could be falsely presented to the contrary, must be able to rule or dispose over all territories on earth and their inhabitants, which applies equally to the Emperor, to whom the Empress actually belongs, and to the King and Queen.

Therefore, all the current representatives of the people of the Earth will have to orderly arrange themselves according to the orders and instructions of the Empress with the high special status, in that the power of command under the sun is made up of three people, and the predetermined Royal Danish chain of ambassadors has to form the staff of the King Juergen, whereby all other ambassadors of each state will have to serve the staff of the King as representatives of the respective country!

The power of command over the sun is partly already regulated by a deity or the servant of God of my person and partly always is in progress.

Please do not allow yourselves to be served by my person any longer and, as responsible citizens, finally begin to serve yourselves, while the Authorities do not have to take any further life-threatening risks and can set themselves up properly and safely in a castle, as ordered several times!

With kind regards


HP: If you or others are ‘on a first-name basis with the devil’, then please use the time available in your own interest to demonstrably change sides so that you and everyone else can also enjoy the fairy tale and the miracles of exchanging the wedding couples on earth!